Friday, January 27, 2006

My Daddy's the Best

A few days ago, Bianca attended a friend's birthday party. While all the little girls were happily playing dress-ups, Bianca came out in tears. I was thinking, here we go again as maybe its the usual tug-of-war on a toy. But this time it was different.

She told me ... "My friend told me her dad is the bestest daddy in the world. But my daddy is the bestest daddy in the world!". In my mind I was thinking, "Awww .... how sweet. But quick, think of something appropriate to say now! What would Kofi Annan say in this situation? ".

After a few seconds I said "You have different worlds, her daddy is the best in her world. And your daddy is the bestest daddy in your world."

And with that, the tears stopped and she went back into the room to play with them again. Whew ... crisis averted. I have to be prepared for more of these tricky situations next time.

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