Friday, February 03, 2006


So we survived the first week of school relatively unscathed. Our daughter seems to have adjusted well. As for her parents, we've only started sifting through all the forms and stuff that she brings home from school. It's amazing how much paperwork and forms and newsletters and reminders that our daughter brings home everyday. To think there's not even homework yet.

We're starting to help her out with school work like preparing for her "show and tell" time every week. On top of all that, we still have to plan ahead and prepare her lunch ready every day.

We've also found that school tires her out. This is really the first time she's out of the house for most of the day ( kindy was only a couple of hours ) and she comes home from school a bit knackered. Since Tuesday, we've had to wake her up in the morning to get ready for school! It's a good thing today was a free day for her so she stayed home all day. You'd think she'd sleep in today but oh no, today, she woke up early...

1 comment:

zaizee said...

next thing you'll know.. you'll be dragging her out of bed to get her to go to school on time. and she'll be kicking and screaming before she takes a bath! like kiting used to do to me.. or me to her. hehe. Or she'll tell you, "i don't need to go to school, i know everything i need to know.. balik-balik ra na ila gi tudlo.." haha. like manong tat.